The Mountain Hiker's Cove

Planet Saver 1.3

The Cove
The Photos
Fort Mountain
Cohutta Wilderness
Real De Catorce
Nantahala River
Planet Saver 1.3

1981 Peugeot PFN-10


In attempts to reduce my own personal carbon output, I started riding my first bike, Planet Saver 1.0, to my evening classes in the fall of 2005. 
As far as carbon reduction, I can't give exact specifics. I can, however, give some real world math on the amount of gas that I haven't used.

I started out on a $59 Wal-Mart Mt. Fury (1.0). I was then blessed with a 1987 Schwinn World Sport 27" for my birthday in 2006 (1.2). Then, in December of 2006, I purchased a 1981 Peugeot road bike (1.3)

Between PL 1.0 and 1.2, I've cycled 363 miles (As of 12-07-2006) and burned a total of 15,229 calories cycling alone. [Numbers for PL 1.3 are coming soon]

Now, if we were to convert one gallon of gasoline into consumable calories, we're looking at 30,000 calories per gallon.

If we were to calculate my personal miles per gallon, using the above numbers, I've traveled 363 miles at .507 gallons. That equals 715.97 mpg.

Next, let's assume that the average car achieves 30mpg. If that's the case, I managed to not burn 12.1 gallons of gasoline. With 42 gallons in 1 barrel of crude oil, that's 29% of a barrel.  

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